I'm working with the intersection of large-graph limits, variational calculus, and nonlocal analysis.
My current research involves graph Ginzburg-Landau theory and nonlocal perimeter.
This research has applications in graph cut problems, image segmentation and social network analysis, among other questions.
This research is in collaboration with James Scott,
Qiang Du, and Mason Porter.
The next piece of this project is to consider dynamics on graphons, in particular the graphon heat equation as studied by
Medvedev and the graphon Allen--Cahn equation as an extension of the work by
Kaizheng Wang.
If you're interested in collaborating or learning more about these research projects,
please email me!
CV as of fall 2024
Google scholar
Ginzburg--Landau functionals in the large-graph limit (preprint, 2024)
- Ginzburg--Landau (GL) theory, which was originally developed to model superconductors, has more recently been applied to
a variety of applications including graph clustering, image processing, and min-cut/max-flow problems. These applications typically
use the graph GL functional. Graphons are a notion of large-graph limit (and the notion of graph-to-graphon convergence
is defined with respect to a norm called "cut norm").
This paper defines a graphon GL functional, and shows that the minimizers of the graph GL functional converge to the
minimizers of the graphon GL functional.
On Representations of Mean-Field Variational Inference (preprint, 2022)
- Variational inference is an approach to Bayesian inference that is based on an optimization problem.
It is widely-used, but VI algorithms have lacked theoretical guarantees.
We express variational inference as an approximate Wasserstein gradient flow, and we discuss theoretical implications.
Unveiling Mode-Connectivity of the ELBO Landscape (Workshop paper, 2021)
- Mode-connectivity is an interesting property that has been discovered in neural net loss functions, which are high-dimensional and nonconvex.
It has been related to a "no bad local minima" property that's been noticed in practice, and is related to overparametrization.
This workshop paper demonstrates and begins to explain the existence of mode-connectivity in the ELBO, which is the loss function of
variational inference.
Grader: Mathematics for data science (Spring 2020), Linear algebra (Fall 2021), Intro to numerical methods (Spring 2022), Linear algebra (Fall 2022), Numerical analysis (Fall 2023)
TA: Partial Differential Equations (Fall 2019)
Math tutor: UVA Athletics, UVA Mathematics (2016-2019)
Applied Math student seminar
This semester (Spring 2024), the Applied Math student seminar meets on Thursdays, 1-2pm in the APAM conference room.
I co-founded the AM seminar in spring 2023 to gather with our
fellow graduate students to present recent learnings and progress, practice giving talks and feedback on talks.